
Reb Zushe meiAnipoli referred to Tanya as a cure for all ailments.  We are BH gifted with the antidote to all psychological, and emotional challenges and yet, many are still lost in darkness and inner pain. Many young chassidim round the world, learn chassidus looking for answers to their perplexed states and feel lost. 

The Alter Rebbe introduces Tanya placing the responsibility of decoding the light of chassidus to mashpiim who can make the words of chassidus meaningful to those who are searching. 

There is a chosid who single-handedly, has shown young people around the world how to learn chassidus in such a way that the words of chassidus are to them as real as chocolate cake.  With special instructions and directives from the Rebbe, Rabbi Yoske Levin began changing lives with chassidus some fifty years ago. His approach witch he calls 5-alive based on the Rebbe's words is a transformational experience that permanently shifts the perspective of its participants.

Young people around the world talk about how Yoske (endearingly) saved their spiritual and physical life. The craziness that surrounds our children, the temptations that confuse them leave many lost, looking for solutions with drugs and other risky behaviors.

In his unique approach, Rabbi Yoske runs various groups for tailored audiences; mashpiim and, fathers and sons, teenagers who are searching for meaning.

IYH on Chai Elul, the first group will open for teens. This three-month program will train the participants to be officers of the 5-ALIVE method.  Every participant becomes an ‘officer’, mastering the 5-ALIVE approach, leading and participating in the learning process, drawing chassidus into their life, in their own words, becoming influencers right from the start.

Reb Yoske recruited Rabbi Levke Kaplan to join him in leading the next group. His down to earth approach and experience coaching bochurim will expanded the ability to support and coach the Officers Program.

To register your son for Officers Program click here.

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