VIP Bochurim Summer Program










ומלאה הארץ דעה את ה׳


Im Yirtzeh Hashem this will be the 7th year since the start of VIPBochurim. 

This year specifically, you will experience the most thrilling, impactful and exhilarating time of your life!


Through the years we have explored Chassidus in many beautiful places worldwide, building true and everlasting friendships and creating powerful leaders who have changed their lives and, by example, are changing the lives of others. We are a family where each individual knows they’re never alone.


This summer is the start of a new era; it’s the beginning of the first ever program of creating Chassidishe masters in the Rebbe’s environment utilizing “The Keys of Chassidus”, developing a sense for G-D and Rebbe through true maturity.


G-d’s Maturity Expressed

We deeply value Chassidus and trust that it is the only way to properly live in this day and age. The 5-Alive system of learning Chassidus together is the optimal way to maturity (ומלאה הארץ דעה את ה׳‎) We live Chassidus. We live with a tangible G-D, a tangible Rebbe.


The 5-Alive method was brought to awareness by the Mashpia of VIPBochurim, Rabbi Yoske Levin, through the guidance of “Shaar Hayichud” (of the Mitteler Rebbe), referred to by the Rebbe (Hayom Yom: 15 Adar Bais) as the “keys of Chassidus”


VIPBochurim is honored and privileged to be guided and lead by Rabbi Yoske Levin, his enthusiasm for life and for the Rebbe’s Chassidus. Rabbi Yoske is admired and loved worldwide. He is known for being an unconditionally loving and caring person who dedicated over 40 years guiding and saving countless lives all over the world.


Our reputation for the top luxurious accommodations and most adventurous trips precedes us and this summer we will out do ourselves! IY”H.

The daily schedule includes Davening, learning, sports and activities. All of these in a way of bonding with each other. The friendships we make are continued throughout the entire year, both online and via weekend retreats. 

For more information please feel free to contact us. 

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